Do you want to a diet? Do you have a confidence in your body? Now, we will show you about how to good diet. summer is coming soon. Maybe most of girl will go to a beach. Then you will wear a swimwaer. If you want to wear a bikini and you want to outstanding in the beach, you should see our essay.
First, we want to say why people get fat. It is some reason, for example bad life habit, lack of sleep, eat too much and so on. They influence in our body. They are bad. We should take in good habit. Sleep is good thing. It is easy for diet to sleep during 10 to 2. And we jf not eat a lot of snack. Snack have a lot of calorie. So we should eat three meals, and the others you do not eat. Next is drink. Even drink include some calorie. I don't want to drink during a diet, because alcohol makes us over eating. If you want to drink, you should eat some vegetable and drink milk. They helps our stomach. Good food is vegetable and fruits. They are healthy foods.

Second, we need to exercise. Exercise makes us a good body. Easy exericise we can do is walking. Walking is aerobic exercise. Do you know aerobic exercise? It is good action for us. Evryone can begin walking soon. If you walk an hour, you are burnning about 100 calories!! I recommend you to walk. The others is aerobics dance. It looks like a dance, we can enjoying its dance. If you want to burn 100 calories, you should this dance about 30 minutes. There are alot of exercise, for example swimming, running, boxcing, billy's boot camp and so on. It is important to countune those exercise.
This site has a lot of exercise of diet. If you want to exercise, please check it.
This site has Q and A of diet. I could know some knowledge about diet. This site have calories of many food. We can learn about food. It site is very good.
There are a lot of supplement recently. It is good, but I don't recommend to depends on medicine. It is important to eat meal, and execise regularly. I think supplement is help of diet. I have ever tried a lot of diet. I did bad diet too, for example fast, don't eat carbohyrate and so on. In fact, I could become thin, but I became rough, bad condition, and nervously. Then I thought it is important to diet healthful. I am doing a diet. I eat three meals. I am exercising everyday. This summer, I will go to minnesota. Then I want to wear a bikini. So I want to do my best untill summer.